My pandemic epiphany

It's time for me to match what I do with who I am and what I care about.

Like many people, I have spent the last year or so rethinking my career and long term goals, a trend known as The Great Resignation or The Big Quit. A recent Employment Hero survey even showed that as many as 1 in 2 New Zealanders are planning to change jobs in the next year!

During this time I reviewed my current and previous roles - what did I love? what didn't suit me? I faced my imposter syndrome and some things that were holding me back. I spent time sharpening up my values and purpose and I reflected on the personal development I was doing outside of my day job - and loving.

As a result, I am thrilled to be joining a fantastic New Zealand fintech business called Tax Traders. Like me, Tax Traders are driven by the pursuit of justice and equity and a deep desire to see business as a force for good in the world. For us, the way we do business is just as important as the bottom line.

At the heart of Tax Trader's work is the belief that the tax system should be fair and transparent, and the benefits of that tax system should be easily available to all taxpayers. This purpose has led Tax Traders to invest heavily in technology so that the complex is made simple, the manual is automated, and long expensive processes are made instant, affordable, and accessible.

What you see of us now is just the tip of the iceberg! I am super excited to be starting work tomorrow and helping even more taxpayers flourish.


It's not personal, or is it?


Women are working for free